Using Export-Clixml in Powershell

Have you ever needed to manage and export data in PowerShell but found it challenging? Let's go over how to make it easier.
The Export-CliXML cmdlet is a powerful tool for creating XML representations of objects. This cmdlet is especially useful for system administrators and developers who need to store complex data structures in a format that is both human-readable and machine-friendly.
Today, we’ll explore its functionality, share practical examples, and discuss common pitfalls to watch out for, so you can learn the dos and don’ts of using Export-CliXML in PowerShell.
What is the Export-CliXML Command in PowerShell?
Export-CliXML is a PowerShell cmdlet that saves an object or a collection of objects to an XML file, creating a structured, serialized version that keeps all the properties of the original object intact.
This lets you save data, configurations, or credentials securely to a file and then recreate them later using Import-Clixml. It is particularly useful for preserving complex data across sessions or sharing structured information between systems while maintaining the original data's format and structure.
Here’s the syntax for Export-Clixml, along with an explanation of the meaning of each parameter:
- -Depth <Int32>: Specifies the level of nested objects to include in the XML output, with a default value of 2.
- -Path <String>: Defines the file path where the XML file will be saved.
- -InputObject <PSObject>: Specifies the object to be exported to XML, either directly or from the pipeline.
- -Force: Allows the command to run without confirmation, even if the file is read-only.
- -NoClobber: Prevents overwriting an existing file at the specified path.
- -Encoding <Encoding>: Sets the text encoding type for the XML file, such as UTF8, ASCII, or Unicode.
- -WhatIf: Shows what would happen if the command runs, without actually executing it.
- -Confirm: Prompts the user to confirm before executing the command.
What Can Export-CliXML Be Used For?
In general, this cmdlet lets users store structured data in XML format for later retrieval, sharing, or secure storage. Here are some practical uses for this command:
- Save and Restore Configuration Settings: You can store system or application configuration objects in an XML file for easy restoration or transfer between systems.
- Storing Secure Data (like Credentials) on Windows: Admins can also safely save encrypted credentials and secure strings, especially useful for scripts that need to reuse credentials without exposing them in plain text.
- Sharing Complex Objects Between Scripts: Finally, you can export objects with multiple properties (like file permissions or custom objects) to an XML file, allowing other scripts or users to import and use the same data structure.
Prerequisites to Run the Export-CliXML PowerShell Cmdlet
Before using this command in PowerShell, keep the following prerequisites in mind:
- PowerShell Environment: Ensure you're running PowerShell (preferably version 5.1 or higher for the best compatibility) since Export-Clixml is a built-in cmdlet within PowerShell’s Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility module.
- Appropriate Permissions: You need Write permissions for the destination folder where the XML file will be saved. If you’re exporting to protected directories or files with read-only attributes, you might also need elevated privileges, along with the -Force parameter to override file restrictions.
- Windows Operating System for Encrypted Credentials: On Windows, Export-Clixml can securely encrypt credentials and secure strings using the Data Protection API. However, if you're using macOS or Linux, credentials will only be obfuscated—not encrypted—so avoid using this command for secure data on non-Windows systems.
- Valid Input Data: The cmdlet needs a valid PowerShell object provided via the -InputObject parameter or piped in. You can export anything from simple strings to complex objects, but ensure the data is compatible with PowerShell’s serialization format.
- Path Specification: Define the file path with the -Path parameter, making sure the directory exists; otherwise, the command will return an error. Additionally, use -NoClobber if you want to prevent overwriting an existing file at the specified path.
How to Use Export-CliXML in Just 5 Steps
Now, let's go through the steps to use the Export-Clixml cmdlet in PowerShell. Make sure to follow this explanation closely to prevent any potential error (but we'll still show you how to troubleshoot some errors if they happen to you).
Step 1: Open PowerShell
To get started, you need to launch PowerShell on your Windows computer. If you plan to perform tasks that require administrative privileges, run PowerShell as an administrator.
To do this, right-click on the Windows PowerShell option and select Run as Administrator. This gives you elevated permissions, which can be crucial for certain operations, especially when dealing with file access or system settings.
Step 2: Create or Obtain an Object to Export
In PowerShell, everything is an object, which means even a simple string or a complex data structure like a file’s ACL (Access Control List) is treated as an object.
In the example below, we will export the security information associated with a file, an important task in system administration.
To illustrate, assume you have a file named meetingroom.txt located in C:\Documents. You can retrieve its ACL by running the following command:
Step 3: Choose the Export Location and File Name
Before exporting, you need to determine the location where you want to save the XML file. It's a good practice to organize your exports in a dedicated folder to keep your files manageable.
For instance, consider creating a dedicated directory for your exported files. This can be done using the New-Item cmdlet:
In this case, -ItemType Directory specifies that you are creating a folder, and -Path is the location where the folder will be created.
Step 4: Execute the Export-CliXML Command
You are now ready to export the ACL object into an XML file. Use the Export-Clixml cmdlet as follows:
In this command, Export-Clixml converts the ACL object into an XML format and saves it to the specified path. -Path $exportPath indicates where the XML file will be saved, and -NoClobber prevents the cmdlet from overwriting an existing file.
Step 5: Confirm the Export Was Successful
After running the export command, it’s crucial to check whether the file has been successfully created. You can do this with:
This command checks the specified path and returns True if the file exists, indicating a successful export. If it returns False, you may need to troubleshoot why the export failed.
Also, to see the actual data stored in your newly created XML file, you can use:
Get-Content displays the contents of the specified file in the console. This is useful for quickly confirming that the ACL information has been correctly exported.
It doesn’t end here - the versatility of Export-CliXML allows you to do more things. For example, Export-Clixml can be used with the Get-OrganizationConfig command to retrieve configuration settings for an organization.
Fixing & Troubleshooting Export-CliXML Not Working
Since using this command is slightly more complex than other PowerShell cmdlets, let's look at some common errors and how to fix them.
1. Error: File Already Exists
If the following error messages shows up:
Then keep in mind that error occurs when you try to export an object to a file that already exists at the specified path. To avoid this error, you can either:
- Use the -NoClobber Parameter: This will ensure that if the file exists, the cmdlet will not overwrite it.
- Delete the Existing File: If you want to overwrite the file, you can delete the existing file first using Remove-Item "C:\Exports\FileACL.xml"
2. Error: Path Not Found
If you see this error on PowerShell:
It means that this error arises when the directory specified in the path does not exist. Export-Clixml requires a valid directory to store the exported XML file, and if the directory is missing, PowerShell will throw this error.
To fix this issue, you can create the required directory using the New-Item cmdlet before attempting the export.
3. Error: Invalid InputObject Type
Finally, here’s another error message:
This error indicates that the input you are trying to export is not a valid PowerShell object. The Export-Clixml cmdlet requires an input that is of type PSObject, but a plain string or other incompatible types will trigger this error.
To resolve this, ensure that the input is wrapped in a valid PowerShell object.
To wrap things up, using the Export-Clixml cmdlet in PowerShell can really make your life easier when dealing with data. It gives you a straightforward way to save objects as XML files, which is perfect for keeping backups or securely storing information like credentials.